[WriteLog] Mouse WHeel Tuning

Clive Whelan gw3njw@onetel.net.uk
Sun, 17 Nov 2002 01:11:35 -0000

Bin the mouse and get a Microsoft Office keyboard, which has a 
built in scroll wheel. They currently sell for GBP40 over here, 
so you'll probably get one for USD40 on your side. You can then 
tune the radio from the keyboard, and not take your hands off. 
There is some inertia in the system, so if you select a large 
increment, you will sometimes overshoot. I find about 100Hz is 
good for CW.



 Harold Kennedy wrote:
> I am using a Logictec mouse.  With the cursor at callsign
> entry, if I click the mouse wheel down, an Icon appears - I
> belive the icon is part of the Logictec mouse software.  As
> long as I keep the mouse pointed within the icon, the mouse
> wheel will tune the rig.