[WriteLog] Mouse WHeel Tuning

Harold Kennedy Harold Kennedy" <hkennedy@ix.netcom.com
Sat, 16 Nov 2002 14:17:19 -0500

Thanks for all the help everyone.  I now have mine working.  My problem =
was in the MOUSE_WHEEL_HZ=3D10 statement, which I had put into the =
[configuration] part of writelog.ini with spaces instead of the =
underlines.  When I changed to the statement exactly as printed, it =
started working.  At 10Hz steps its hard to detect it actually works.  I =
wound up setting the statement to =3D500.

Also, you must be in the logging area of writelog for the function to =
work.  I am using a Logictec mouse.  With the cursor at callsign entry, =
if I click the mouse wheel down, an Icon appears - I belive the icon is =
part of the Logictec mouse software.  As long as I keep the mouse =
pointed within the icon, the mouse wheel will tune the rig.

Hopes this helps --

Hal, N4GG

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