Mon, 25 Nov 2002 18:24:17 -0500
With the exception of a radio polling problem the software ran great. No CW
slurring as reported by others in the past and I was running up to 35wpm
with the computer generating the CW.
First the equipment:
- Computer, Pentium 4 1.7GHZ, 768 MEG RAM.
- Comm port 1 on "base" computer.
- Comm ports 3-4-5-6 on SIIG card.
- IC 756ProII connected to Comm 3 through a K1NU interface and set at a rate
of 1200 baud, also tried 9600 baud. I am restricted to these 2 speeds as
the band info also changes antennas through my IBS1 band switch.
- CW on Comm 4.
- Rotor on Comm 5.
Here's the situation I had. I would lose the radio connection and would
have to restart the program to get it back. At first I thought this was RF
related so I added several toroids to the line and saw no improvement. I
found out that while manually tuning the radio and watching the bandmap, I
would see the bandmap stop updating and the connection was again lost.
Subsequently I found that if I went to SETUP, PORTS and selected OK, the
connection between the software and rig would "snap" into communication.
Each time I wanted to send a spot to the cluster I had to verify that the
reported frequency was correct. Also I would go to pick a station off the
bandmap and the radio would not change. I did this at least a hundred times
over the weekend.
I reserve comm 1 for my RTTY TNC as it seems to behave well there. As an
afterthought I should have tried the rig on Comm 1 to see if that improved
the situation.
Nothing like the heat of battle to see if everything works together.
Anyone else have this combination of equipment and saw the same situation?