[WriteLog] Modifying the "SEQ No." in QSO Window

Edward Whitman edwhit@optonline.net
Mon, 25 Nov 2002 19:18:01 -0500

While reviewing my logs for the past CQ WW Content, I came across a couple of busted QSOs that I would like to remove from my final log.  There is no problem in deleting them with the Edit QSO, but them the SEQ Nos., on the left-hand side of the QSO Window, will have these numbers removed.  If I do delete them, is there a way to re-sequence my entire log without having to manually adjust each of the successive seq/serial. nos?  I know that CQ WW doesn't require these numbers, but I would like to see my last QSO number agree with the total log entries.

Thanks for reading this.

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