[WriteLog] WRITELOG & DX4WIN Import Question

Edward Whitman edwhit@optonline.net
Mon, 25 Nov 2002 19:38:50 -0500

I now use the greatest of two programs--WriteLog for contests and DX4WIN for regular QSOs/logging!  

It is easy to import my WriteLog content log into DX4WIN ( by exporting the contest log as .ADIF and then importing it to DX4WIN).  In doing this straight-forward import, I find that my DX4WIN logs have the WriteLog Seq. No. (or successive "SerNR=XX" and a "|") listed in each of the "Callsign Notes" field in every imported QSO of DX4WIN. Is there a "global way" to remove that undesired entry for all the QSOs without going to each QSO and deleting the entry.  

Also I would like to insert the comment "CQWW DX Contest-CW" in the "Notes for this QSO" field in DX4WIN for all these log entries.  Once again is there a "global way" to make this change, without going to each QSO.

If I knew what to do, I could probably make these universal changes in the WriteLog .ADIF file before exporting, or in some file in DX4WIN.

Ed,  K2MFY

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