[WriteLog] Comports and XP
Dave Earnest
Dave Earnest" <d.earnest@verizon.net
Thu, 28 Nov 2002 05:53:07 -0800
I have been going through the archives on the reflector and can't seem =
to find the exact answers I require.
I have a new Celeron 1.8 ghz computer running XP Home. My old Celeron =
700mhz died. On the old computer I had 2 comports on the mother board =
and added a ByteRunner PCI-200L two serial port board and it worked =
There is only one serial port on the new machine. When I installed the =
PCI-200 in the new computer Device Manager shows them as Com 4 and Com =
5. Thought I was home free. However, the devices I have hooked up to the =
ports: TS-850 and the serial CW keying line don't work.
I have queried ByteRunner and Sean didn't have an answer. Apparently, I =
have the latest drivers installed for the board for XP.
Any help would be appreciated.
Dave, K7JJ
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