[WriteLog] Rig control and CW Keying won't work at same time

W. Wright, W5XD w5xd@writelog.com
Thu, 28 Nov 2002 16:56:53 -0000

The only thing I can think of that might be happening here is
that when you turn on rig control, WL won't send CW on an F key
if the rig is reporting its in a mode other than CW. 

You didn't say anything more than "won't work" in your
report. It always far more helpful to say: "I pressed this
key and expected X, but instead I got Y". Exactly which
key did you press expecting it to send CW? 

And, regardless of what mode the rig front panel says its
in, what mode did WriteLog's Entry window button say it
thinks your rig is in?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: writelog-admin@contesting.com
> [mailto:writelog-admin@contesting.com]On Behalf Of Steve Sutterer
> Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 02:23
> To: writelog@contesting.com
> Subject: [WriteLog] Rig control and CW Keying won't work at same time
> I spent several frustrating hours prior to getting into CQ WW 
> CW this weekend trying to get both rig control AND cw keying 
> to work in Writelog.  Finally had to give up and go back to 
> using CT, but I really want to make Writelog work for next 
> contest (ARRL 160m).  Here are the details.
> Running Win98SE.  Rig is a TS930 with a Piexx interface board 
> (emulates a Kenwood TS-570) connected via COM1.  CW keying is 
> normally done via LPT1, but I also ended up trying COM2 as 
> well during this attempt to make it work, both to no avail.
> I am relatively new to Writelog (Feb '02), but used it 
> successfully in ARRL DX CW with both rig control and CW 
> keying working.  I do recall it took a long time back then to 
> get both features running then also, but the eventual fix was 
> finding out about the CW_ON_PIN1=1 entry needed in 
> Writelog.ini to make the LPT work ok.  I do recall it then 
> still took a while of trying different port settings, etc, 
> then shutting down and restarting, before Writelog would work 
> with both the rig and CW keying.  When it did start working, 
> I couldn't explain why.  The software was version v10.30.
> Fast forward to CQ WW CW.  Same computer system and OS.  Same 
> rig and keyer.  I noted a new version of WL (V10.36g) was 
> available, so downloaded and installed the upgrade.  Now rig 
> control always works on COM1, but CW keying will only work if 
> I disable all rig control, enable CW keying, close down the 
> program, then restart.  THEN CW keying works, but of course I 
> now no longer have rig control.  Go to the Ports menu, enable 
> rig control on COM1, and now CW keying doesn't work again.
> I tried going back and reinstalling WL v10.30 with no success 
> at resolving the issue at this point.
> Tonight I cleaned out all the old Writelog files and registry 
> entries I could find, reinstalled a presumable "clean" 
> v10.30, then downloaded and installed 10.37, but still the 
> same problem.
> I cannot get CW keying to work with the COM2 port either.
> Suggestions?  Please cc me direct as well in your replies.
> 73, Steve AK0M
> sjs@cfu.net
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