[WriteLog] WL with MMTTY- new user

Cal ckuter@ix.netcom.com
Thu, 28 Nov 2002 21:38:41 -0000

I am trying to get WL 10.36 to work with MMTTY, ver 1.61. =20

I followed the steps on AA5AU's page, including loading the plug-in.  I =
can receive OK, but I cannot transmit.  My standalone version of MMTTY =
still works fine.  Using the plug-in, the program keys that I have in =
the standalone version do not appear.  I cannot even key the transmitter =
 by pressing the F9 key.

Using MMTTY and a logging program was the reason I bought WL.  I am sure =
that I am missing one of those newbie type of things.




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