[WriteLog] WL with MMTTY- new user

WA9ALS - John wa9als@starband.net
Thu, 28 Nov 2002 18:07:10 -0500

----- Original Message -----
From: "Cal" <ckuter@ix.netcom.com>
To: <WriteLog@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 4:38 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] WL with MMTTY- new user

I am trying to get WL 10.36 to work with MMTTY, ver 1.61.

I followed the steps on AA5AU's page, including loading the plug-in.  I can
receive OK, but I cannot transmit.  My standalone version of MMTTY still
works fine.  Using the plug-in, the program keys that I have in the
standalone version do not appear.  I cannot even key the transmitter  by
pressing the F9 key.

Using MMTTY and a logging program was the reason I bought WL.  I am sure
that I am missing one of those newbie type of things.

You shouldn't expect F9 to work with the WL-MMTTY combo like it does with
the MMTTY standalone.  Forget about everything about the standalone - you
are mostly in WriteLog with the combo.  F9 will do whatever you have
programmed in the -WriteLog- F9 macro -  See CW/SSB/RTTY buffers.  None of
the MMTTY standalone macros are available when you are using it with
Writelog.  You need to tell WriteLog how to key your transmitter.

I think you have a mental misconception - The MMTTY plugin should be thought
of only as another "TNC" or digital modem to be used with WriteLog - The
rest of what you see and do is all WriteLog.  And although WriteLog does
some decent logging, it's primarily a contesting program.