[WriteLog] Special Key Programming and MK-1100 Voice Keyer

Dennis J Hoffmeyer kg6giq@antelecom.net
Thu, 3 Oct 2002 12:56:52 -0700

Hi Group,


I am trying to setup one of the function keys to add a call to the band
map and also clear the QSO window.  This to me would be handy when doing
S&P in a contest.  I know %b adds the call to the band map but what is
the variable for clearing the QSO window?  Just by itself the clear QSO
window is CTRL W so I would suspect that it to would have a % variable.
That way it is one key stroke instead of two.  Maybe there is also a way
to do this in the ini file and I overlooked that part for special key
assignments.  Any assistance would be appreciated since I could not find
that information on Scot's site (www.k9jy.com <http://www.k9jy.com/> )
or in the WriteLog user manual or did I miss something or look in the
wrong section?


As for the voice keyer I am using the MK-1100 and have it configured as
shown in the SO2R drawing on the WriteLog site.  But when I go and do
Shift and the function key (SSB Mode) it acts like it is recording but
when go to play back the message it is empty.  I have checked the sound
card for input levels using a standard computer mic and that works but
nothing through the radio/MK-1100?  Any ideas?


Thank you to all in advance.



Dennis J Hoffmeyer,


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