[WriteLog] "Newbie" questions...

Bernd Och bernd.och@boc.de
Sun, 6 Oct 2002 20:29:14 +0200


this is Ben, DL6FBL.

After being confronted with Writelog for the first time
at WRTC 2002 (DL2CC *really* wanted to use this software),
I was infected, and now want to use Writelog for everything
in the future.
Playing around got me answers to most questions, but here
are two, which I couldn't answer yet:

- - - - - - -

The behaviour of that "Check Call" window is:

If I type a callsign in the callsign field, the "Check Call"
window will look like:

    40M OK
    20M OK
    15M  199 1150Z 5H3JD        59 37

Where "OK" means, I have worked that country before on that band,
and where empty spaces mean: "New Multiplier" on that band...
Is it possible to change the display to something like:

   160M NEW MULT
    80M NEW MULT
    40M OK
    20M OK
    15M  199 1150Z 5H3JD        59 37
    10M NEW MULT

just for better readability... ???!

- - - - - - -

If you have two radios active, the "Search and Pounce Memories"
will send THAT RADIO to the Recall-Frequency, where the active
focus is on in that moment. If I am running on radio 1 and want
to send radio 2 to the memorized frequency, I must change the
focus first before clicking on "RCL".

Is it possible to have two separate S&P memory windows, one
dedicated to radio 1 and one dedicated to radio 2 ?

- - - - - - -


Bernd Och

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