[WriteLog] Desperate help required

Jim Irving zl2bmh@infogen.net.nz
Sat, 19 Oct 2002 08:21:28 +0100

Hello fellow operators:

Ccould some operator help straighten me out.  I have WL 10.32E and a =
PIII 450 .

I was rather hoping I could take part in the JARTS RTTY contest.  =
firstly the signal box's are working well but I am unable to tune the =
signal in  How do I get the 'T' running correctly in that last square.

In the main page it has country, number age etc.  Do I put the =
information into the log or does the program do it for me. When =
operational It tags well with yellow and sometimes green.  But that's as =
far as the program allows me , Once again I have to enter most  of the =
data by manual.

Gentleman please can someone help me, I would be very pleased believe =

Jim Irving.

e-mail : zl2bmh@infogen.net.nz
Microsoft messenger

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