[WriteLog] DXC -dxcluste rconcentrator - 2e part

Marc Wullaert ON4MA marc.wullaert3@pandora.be
Wed, 23 Oct 2002 20:48:14 +0200

There where some problems to download the program.The download link is
working now
and a new version is avaible.Also the tryout time is changed.Jacques ON5OO
is working now
to find a system for payment by creditcards.If you could help send him a

Copied from the website :
The current version of DXC is 1.7 build 11. You may download the product
here http://homeusers.brutele.be/on5oo/ and try it. Without a license key
DXC will run for about 30 minutes, full featured, except that it will
connect to only 2 dxclusters at the time.

ON4MA Marc
visit www.on5oo.com