[WriteLog] Default CW speed

Dave nr1dx@arrl.net
Sun, 01 Sep 2002 13:59:45 +0000


I believe the defaults are set in Writelog.ini under the [configuration] 

you will find a series of CWSPDxx=yy commands CWSPd00 through CWSPD15
The boot up default line is CWSPD08, the others are the steps you get when 
doing the cwspeed change using <PAGE-UP> and <PAGE DOWN>.

For example I like a bit more granularity than the defaults supplied so I 
have CWSPD08=30 as the default and then incremented in 2 WPM steps above 
and below (i.e CWSPD07=28, CWSPD06=26  and CWSPD09=32, CWSPD10=34 etc).

While we are on the subject, there are 5 cw weighting choices (CWT00-04), 
but I have never been able to figure out where you can toggle those up and 
down. I assume that the middle one CWT02 is the default. I posted this 
query several months ago and never got an answer.....??????

See you in the sprint next weekend !!!!

At 10:30 PM 8/31/02 -0400, Georgek5kg@aol.com wrote:
>My WL boots up at 34 wpm CW speed.  Is there a way to change that default
>73, Geo...
>George I. Wagner, K5KG
>Productivity Resources LLC
>941-312-9460 fax
>201-415-6044 cell
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