[WriteLog] Soldering...

Jon Harder jon@praxisworks.org
Sat, 7 Sep 2002 16:01:11 -0000

For serious help with really tiny pins,  say a DIN-13 for Kenwoods and some
others, consider a pre-made cable with an open end for you to connect as
needed.  MFJ still sells  these as their item number 5213.  A very
worthwhile $9.95 investment.  Price hasn't changed in four years!   I bought
two of these in 1997, and they've survived several rewirings for various
combinations of TNCs, TUs, three Kenwood radios,  and sound card patch
boxes.    MFJ has a whole range of these "Open End Cables with Radio

I have no commercial interest here, just like to pass along a simple
solution to an unwanted problem for most of us at any age.   8)     Even for
those of us who like to tinker, the time saved can go into chasing DX or
other happy pursuits -- using WL of course even for non-contest ops.

73 and bless all,  wherever they are on this planet earth.

Jon        K1US

Cape Porpoise, Maine
coming up on 50 years licensed - April 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wayne" <huffew@yahoo.com>
To: "WL Reflector" <Writelog@contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2002 15:29
Subject: [WriteLog] Soldering...

>   I am 71 now and too shaky to solder those connectors.
>   After ruining three connectors that had many pins, that cost ???$$$,
> I asked a (younger Ham) good friend to do that sort of soldering for
> me.  I offered to pay him but as you can guess, he said 'no'.  Now
> that's a friend....
> 73,
> Wayne from Maine, KC1YF
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