[WriteLog] Goodbye Writelog

Andrew J O'Brien obrienaj@netsync.net
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 18:13:16 -0400

Well, goodbye at least to Writelog with the MMTTY engine.

Some of you may remember that a year ago I purchased Writelog after =
hearing that the MMTTY engine worked with it.  After following AA5AU's =
instructions,  it worked perfectly in the 2001 CQWW  RTTY test until I =
closed the program at sleep time.  The next day all I got was a stuck =
"initializing MMTTY" message and Writelog and MMTTY never worked again.  =
I tried a ZILLION things including uninstalling and re-installing, all =
to no avail.  Several on the Writelog reflector tried to help and one =
other person had the exact same problem.

After weeks of trying to find a fix, I gave up.  The experience kinda =
spoiled my appetite for for RTTY tests, I really liked Writelog and was =
hooked on MMTTY.  I did not have the enthusiasm required to switch back =
to my PK232.

Well, a couple of months ago I had cause to re-format my hardrive.  Low =
and behold after I installed everything Writelog and the MMTTY engine =
worked !!!!  So, this weekend I was all set to actually use it in a =
contest for the first time.  I again used AA5AU's advice (very, very =
helpful) and was eagerly awaiting 0000 UTC for the start of the test.  =
All systems were go and MMTTY purred away on a few test contacts.  As =
the contest started my PC froze...uh-oh, time to re-boot Writelog an =
MMTTY.  Would you believe it, exact same thing as last year occurred,  =
the "initializing MMTTY" stayed there and no matter what I did , it =
would not work.

After a couple of hours I switched to another logging programs that uses =
MMTTY and it worked well for the entire contest.

I really like Writelog but there is something about it, when combined =
with MMTTY, that my PC does not like.  So, its goodbye Writelog with =
MMTTY.  I did at least give it a good try.


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