[WriteLog] Sending w/o Sending!?

Jerry Pixton jpixton at shentel.net
Tue Apr 22 12:06:13 EDT 2003

Mike, et al

I was going to ask a similiar question. After many times trying to find the 
and fixing what I thought was the problem, I now am seeing it occur in the 
situation -

My two radios are IC756 pro2 and FT1000mp. It has not occurred on the FT1000mp
in many contests but it occurs on the IC756 pro II several times during a 

I suspect the following - Writelog is commanding PTT and using FSK keying 
for the
IC756 pro 2. The PTT command is going thru the CI-V interface over which 
the rig frequency
is also being requested. I think the PTT command is not getting there. If I 
am quick enough to hit the
foot switch when this problem occurs, the rig transmits (ie PTT) !

I am going to set the polling to "sync" next time to see if that cures it. 
If not, I will get a
different PTT signal there like I do for the FT1000mp because of its 
dropping the commanded
PTT during CW

Has any other user of IC756 pro II had this problem and what polling 
setting do you use?

BTY most of these observations were using 10.39 version

Jerry, W6IHG

At 10:44 PM 4/21/2003 -0400, Mike wrote:
>The following has been seen in several contest using 10.40J, RITTY and W98SE:
>A function key is pressed, the xmitter comes on (use PTT and AFSK), but no
>transmit.  The function key message scrolls across the screen, but the
>xmitter is not transmitting.  Seems like the message is being generated but
>not going out the sound card.  Press the same function key again everything
>works as it should.  This sending w/o sending happens several times during
>a contest.  Happens randomly and doesn't matter which function key.  Any
>ideas on how to stop this annoyance?
>         73,
>         Mike, K4GMH
>WriteLog mailing list
>WriteLog at contesting.com

Dr. Jerry R. Pixton, PIXOS Designs LLC
jpixton at shentel.net

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