[WriteLog] Possible Bug in SCC RTTY Module

Don Hill AA5AU aa5au at bellsouth.net
Thu Aug 28 21:55:49 EDT 2003

I don't remember this one from last year, but then again, I don't remember
much of anything these days.  This is a strange one, but I first noticed it on
my B radio/PC, simulated it on the A radio/PC and it had the same problem,
then it started working OK for no apparent reason on the B radio/PC but
still not working on my A radio/PC.  Here goes...

In the SCC module, which comes with the SM6SRW RTTY module package
(see http://www.writelog.com/ThirdPartyDownloads.htm), there is a bug which
may not allow you to click on a callsign in the Rttyrite window if the Entry Window is 
already populated with a callsign.  

But like I said, I found the problem this evening, tried it on my second PC and
had the same problem.  Then tried it again later on the original PC and the problem
did not occur but is still happening on the 2nd PC.  I'm using Win98SE (no surprise
there I guess).  This may or may not happen to you, just be aware of it.

These SM6SRW modules need to be rewritten.  Any volunteers???

73 & hope to see you in SCC RTTY even though I'll only be part-time.  I'm the
NA record holder in both low and high power, so it's time someone gets out there
and sets a new record!  (hint, I'm going high power again).  See all the records from
all RTTY contests at http://www.rttycontesting.com/records.html.

Don, AA5AU

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