[WriteLog] Boo hoo and Merry Christmas

Steve steve at stevebb.com
Mon Dec 22 20:51:20 EST 2003

>Finally, to Wayne:
>You have a fine product here. Yes there are issues here but you also don't
have an army of computer geeks at your beck->and-call and millions of
dollars to develop the software. I am happy with the time you have put into
this and would like to be >able to volunteer to help, but computers is not
my professional field.
>Thank you
>Chet Woods

I echo Chet's sentiments and will also add that the program does work and
has taken several world and Asian #1's in a "variety" of different contests
which proves it works. I stress the word variety as no other contest logging
program comes close to the amount of contests Writelog supports - and
supports well. Not to mention the extra workload involved integrating logs
and reports for email, CBR and 2nd party logbooks. Excellent !!

I know we are just a few of literally hundreds of people on this list that
wish to thank Wayne, Jim, Don and Ron and countless others who have devoted
their time and efforts into making this an excellent project.

Thanks again and a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you.

Sorry for the bandwidth - after a hectic 18hour extended night shift it is
nice to finish on a positive !!!


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