[WriteLog] Rotator Control

Dennis J Hoffmeyer kg6giq@antelecom.net
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 17:17:04 -0800

Hi Group,

Just a quick question if anyone is using Idiom Press's RotorCard DXA
rotator control card with the Yaesu rotator and Writelog.  I just got
one for my rotator but it mentions in the instructions that will not
work with most contesting software.  But then in the next sentence is
states that if the "Rotor-EZ" command set are not available then use the
HyGain DCU-1 setting.  So I set the unit up based on the DCU-1 and COM4,
which is the port the controller is connected to but nothing happens
when I enter information in a test contest.  I looked inside the
Writelog help files and there is nothing mentioned about controls beyond
the ini settings and I also searched K9JY's web site and drew a blank.
So am I missing something or are there commands keys that can be use to
test the rotator controls inside Writelog.  Any assistance would be

Dennis J Hoffmeyer

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