[WriteLog] COM problems

MAFFIOLETTI Alessandro a.maffioletti at tin.it
Fri Jan 24 16:02:20 EST 2003

Hi group,
I've some problems with COM ports. I?m quite new user (about 6 month) so
please excuse me if the question is obviously for you?
First of all my configuration in order to understand better my situation.

Pentium 1Ghz
400k RAM
O.S. WinXPpro ita edition
2 COMMs on motherboard (1&2)
1 COM added with a ISA board (3)
-WriteLog 10.38
-Kantronics KAM 4.0 on COM1 for RTTY (sometimes I use MMTTY but I?m not
accustomed yet?)
-Kantronics KAM 7.0 on COM2 for local cluster connections
-COM3 to dialog with HF radio (Kenwood TS850sat)

Till to the end of ARRL Roundup contest all the system worked properly.
After that (fortunately AFTER !) every time I try to use WL, COMs 1 and
3 aren?t available? and I don?t understand the reason. Therefore Radio isn?t
available (No Rig Message, No Bandmap work correctly,?) and I can?t use
the RTTY transmission (No KAM available neither MMTTY because use the port
for PTT).
None change ports setup (and tested? re tested a hundred times all parameters).
The ports are OK (and also all the HW (cables and so on)): with other SW
there?s no problem to communicate on COM1 or on COM3 or simultaneously.
I think could be a setup problem? But I'm not shure?

Thanks in advance for help? de IK2XRW, Alex.

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