[WriteLog] Problem opening Rttyrite from WL

Donald Eriksen don.wsixffh at verizon.net
Sat Jul 12 14:56:23 EDT 2003

I've acquired a problem opening the Rttyrite program from WriteLog that I
can't seem to fix. I'm sure someone has run into this before, so I'm putting
it out to everyone.

I'm using v. 10.41B. When I open any contest, old or new, and try to open
the Rttyrite window, I get the familiar MS "The program has performed an
illegal operation and will be shut down" with the cryptic " RTTYRITE9 caused
an invalid page fault......" with the info only a programmer could decipher
(maybe). I know Win 98SE users are familiar with that.

I can run Rttyrite9 by itself, it's located in my "Hams"/ Programs file
along with everything else WriteLog, as it's always been.

Many re-boots have not helped. I haven't had this problem before, even with
this version.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I was getting set up for the NAQP in
advance and I'm glad I started early!

Thanks, Don W^FFH

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