[WriteLog] FCC Callsign Database with WriteLog?

KØBX jduerbusch at earthlink.net
Sat Jul 26 16:57:58 EDT 2003

Not to beat a horse to death, but if you want the callsign from a 
database, why dont you download 'logger32"?  this is a very good general 
purpose logging program that has MMTTY for rtty.

It does a lookup to QRZ.COM and brings back all the information you need.

As far as Writelog, that is up to Wayne, but to make this work you need 
a always on connection and even though it is popular to have, I don't 
think there enough that would use it.

It is one thing to do S&P at 10 Q's an hour VS Running the freq and 
having over 100 or 200 Q's and hour.  The lookup would be useless.

Joe K0BX
back to RUDX rtty contest.

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