[WriteLog] FCC Callsign Database with WriteLog?

Bob McCormick W1QA writelog at W1QA.com
Sat Jul 26 16:39:36 EDT 2003

W2UP wrote:

> Writelog = contest program.
> Contest goal = maximize score 
> Maximize score = minimize wasted time
> Larger database = slower lookup time.
> Slower lookup = not maximizing score
> ergo, Use your DXing/logbook program 
> for your leisure time operating!

W0MN wrote:

>> Why would this have to add complexity? 
>> What is the difference between this 
>> and the master data file. It would just, 
>> in effect, expand the master data file. 
>> It could even be done in a way that would 
>> be transparent to the user that it was not 
>> just working with a vastly expanded master 
>> file. OTOH I ma not asking or demanding this 
>> but I just wanted o make this point. It is 
>> likely that the master covers most calls 
>> you are going to find and while it would not 
>> NECESSARILY make the UI more complex it 
>> certainly would make the program itself 
>> more complex and resource intensive, 
>> especially to those no yet using XP. 
>> What is the net of all of this? 
>> I think it probably would not be a good use 
>> of programming resources to do this, 
>> they could be spent on other improvements.

I think the callsign database lookup is a cool idea.

Maybe for HF contests it doesn't have much value.
But I could see where such a function in a VHF/UHF
contest could be of use.

I'm not a big contest operator ... and sometimes
guest op during the NC1I/1 VHF contests.  Whereas
some of the operators seemingly know every call
and where those stations are located, I don't.

But knowing where station (may) be located ...
could help me greatly at pointing an antenna
that may be fairly narrow in its beamwidth.

For both random Q's as well as when someone passes
a station from one band to another.

There is an outstanding feature request that is
similarly related (a feature that exists in CT)
to be able to enter a grid square and produce a
beam heading.

As for performance of all this (on the computer),
using technology circa 2001 and forward, this is
all very trivial - and consumes minimal resources.
In fact - the code could even be written so that
it is asynchronous such that looking up and displaying 
info regarding a station could be done without
any interaction or degradation to the main function
of the programme.

And if your system doesn't have the CPU umph or
necessary storage space for this function you
simply don't use it.  (Very similar to the master
callsign database, etc.)

My 2c worth ...

Bob W1QA

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