[WriteLog] ICOM IC-751A, UX14 and WriteLog

Pawel SP7PS pawel at sp7ps.pl
Wed Jun 4 21:27:33 EDT 2003

Hello WLoggers,
One of my friends has just bought UX14 module for his IC-751A manufactured
by Piexx.
I spent all evening trying to configure the rig and software and have not

It seems, that WL tries to connect radio, because if I turn off the radio
there is message "No rig!" in entry window. When I turn on the radio there
is no frequency information in the window. Instead of I can see "kHzCW" or
"kHzCW". But not eaxt frequency.

I also checked this combo IC-751A/UX14 with DX4WIN and also problems - no
reading frequency nor mode.

Have you any experience or advices?

Pawel, SP7PS (SN7N in contests)


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