[WriteLog] Power supplies

K4SB k4sb at earthlink.net
Fri Mar 14 19:20:40 EST 2003

For every one needing a source of power, I finally found the diagram
for a ATX PC power supply and thought it might be interesting.

Now looking at the ATX plug from the supply, with the little plastic
hook on the TOP as you view it, there are 2 rows of 10 pins. As shown
the pin numbering is as follows.

20  18  16  14  12  10  8   6   4   2
x   x   x   x   x   x   x   x   x   x

x    x   x   x   x   x   x   x   x  x
19  17  15  13   11  9   7   5   3  1                               1

Notice all pins on the bottom are odd with the ones on the top being

Pins 3, 15, 16, and 17 are ground.(Black)

Pins 1, 2, and 11 are + 3.3 volts (Orange)

Pins 4, 6, and 20 are + 5 volts (Red) (Pin 9 is + 5 volts SB, what
ever that means )

Pin 10 is + 12 volts (Yellow) ( usually at 20 amps )

Pin 12 is - 12 volts (Blue)

Pin 18 is -5 volts  (White) 

Now the biggie;

Pins 14 and 15 when shorted will turn the supply on. BUT, IF the
supply is NOT connected to anything, there MUST be a load of 6 ohms
(capable of 60 watts ) on Pin 5 and ground or it will BURN UP.

I assume ( and will try this later ) that a HD would also simulate a
load. Will try this later. Looks like a nice 12v source for lights,
packet, ect. I found a small one
(about 4x4 inches wide and about 2 inches thick ) and am going to
rewire it for such
things as my TNC, Tec-Tec Tuner lights, ect.

This link is the source :  http://www.pcpowercooling.com


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