[WriteLog] Information Please about CW Interface

Bryan Swadener bswadener at yahoo.com
Tue May 27 12:39:18 EDT 2003


Go to http://www.k9jy.com/, click WriteLog Links on the left, and then Cables and Interfaces on the left.  You'll then see five links to people who have interfaces.

Bryan Swadener, WA7PRC
Everett, WA
Email:bswadener at yahoo.com
Webpage: http://www.geocities.com/wa7prc/

PS: By the time you find and order one, you could have made an interface cable... mine took about 30 minutes.
Subject: [WriteLog] Information Please about CW Interface

Where can I purchase (I am lazy these days to build one) a serial CW interface for Writelog?  Can anyone give me a lead?

Lee - K0WA

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