[WriteLog] Using USB/RS232 adapters for rig control

Barry N1EU n1eu at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 7 08:32:36 EST 2003

Yes, the driver installed without a hitch and device manager indicates all 
is copasetic.

The adapter terminates in a male DB9 and I use a straight thru female-female 
DB9 adapter to connect to the FT-1000MP.

Thanks & 73,
Barry N1EU

>From: K4IA at aol.com
>To: n1eu at hotmail.com, writelog at contesting.com
>Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Using USB/RS232 adapters for rig control
>Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2003 08:12:36 EST
>I tested that exact same cable for 2 radio operation and got it to work. I
>don;t presently have it hooked up so I can;t compare my settings but I 
>recall it being difficult at all.  I run XP Home and had a Field as Radio 1 
>the regular serial port connection and an FT100D as radio 2 on the USB.
>Check to be sure you properly installed the USB driver software that came
>with the cable.  Then go to Control Panel - System - Hardware - Device 
>and click on the USB Device Controllers at the bottom.  It should tell you 
>you have a problem with the install of the driver.
>Radio k4ia
>Craig "Buck"
>Fredericksburg, Virginia USA
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