[WriteLog] ADIF --> Cabrillo Converter

Larry L Lindblom llindblom at juno.com
Tue Nov 11 10:45:03 EST 2003

I find it interesting I and a few others had no problem with "T" being
changed to "0" in the QTC  records of the WL Cabrillo output. I'm running
a new install of 10.40J.  I wonder what gives that some had the problem
and not others. 

73 W0ETC

On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 22:53:29 -0000 "Bruce Sawyer" <zf2nt at candw.ky>
> The experience we just had with the problem in the Cabrillo output 
> for WAE
> RTTY does lead me to wonder why each software logging program needs 
> to have
> its own Cabrillo generator.  One of the first things I noticed after 
> the
> problem was discovered with "T" being changed to "0" in the QTC 
> records of
> the Cabrillo output was that the ADIF output from Writelog did not 
> have this
> problem and appeared to be correct.  I can see no information in a 
> Cabrillo
> file for the log itself which is not also included in the ADIF 
> output.  Thus
> it would seem that the most efficient use of everybody's time would 
> be for
> each logging vendor to concentrate on generating correct ADIF output 
> and
> then have one vendor source for a filter (to use Unix terminology) 
> which
> would take an ADIF file and rewrite it as a Cabrillo file.  There 
> would
> still be the need for that program to solicit information about 
> name,
> address, contest club, soapbox comments, etc.  But I think the ADIF 
> input
> file would have all of the other information needed.
> I frequently switch back and forth between WriteLog, TRlog, and CT 
> according
> to what contest and what mode I'm operating.  (And also according to 
> the
> whims of other people operating with me when I do a multi-op 
> effort.)  With
> just these three programs, I find myself constantly fumbling with 
> updates as
> the contest robots become progressively more obnoxious in their 
> demands
> about the Cabrillo content.  I realize such a move would require 
> cooperation
> among the logging software vendors, and there is always the question 
> of who
> would provide the Cabrillo generator.  But they all cooperated in 
> the
> generation of the Cabrillo specification, so such a move wouldn't 
> break new
> ground.
> Bruce, ZF2NT
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