[WriteLog] Audio Help.

Al Bailey k8six at comcast.net
Tue Nov 11 23:46:54 EST 2003

I am still trying to get WL to use the WAV files I created but I can't even 
get it
to see any files with the wav extension. Here is what I have done so far.

1. Created a good size group of wav files and placed them in the 
Writelog/Wave Files/
2. Made sure the rig is on SSB and in the SSB portion of the band.
3. Writelog Soundboard Setup I have checkmarks for Enable recording loop 
and also
Echo Microphone.
4. In PORT SETUP I have Windows Sound Board selected.
5. I then go to Rtty/CW/SSB Memory Setup and removed MSG2 from F2 and in 
its place put
%C so it should grab the call.
6. I also selected SSB

Note: at this point I tried to browse for a WAV file but it will only  look 
for a .WL or .CNT file .

7. I forgot to mention too in the Port Setup dialog box I went to Wave File 
Locate and
let it know which directory my wave files are in.

With all that setup I enter a call and hit F2 and it does nothing.

What step or steps have I forgotten or what am I doing wrong ??

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