[WriteLog] Hum in Audio

Magnus A sm6wet at telia.com
Sun Apr 4 19:43:40 EDT 2004

I recently purchased Writelog but is not yet been using it as I been
experimenting geting everything working.
One thing is though that I have to get fixed before I can use it.

It a bad hum/distortion on my transmitted audio but it does not come from
computer audio.

One night I had set up writelog and was trying to decode som CW and RTTY
just for fun, later that evening was a local 6m contest and using the same
FT-920 as I had to decode with I used on the 6m contest.

I was getting bad results and nearby station told me the truth that I
sounded distorded or maybee even had a carrier on SSB.

After alot of experimenting with changing PSUs and microphones I just
disconnected the wireing going to my radio from the computer (not the
RS-232) and all of a sudden the problem was gone.

The was I did this was to test to record myself with the built in voice
recorder on the ft-920. If computer was connected to the radio and I played
up my recording I would sound distorded, if I unhooked the wires I would
sound great.

* Note. I did not use the voice keyer, I was simply using the Heil headset
into my Mic port on the 920.
Later I tried to connect my original handmic and got the same problem when
my computer was rigged to my 920.

I have also tried to ground my rig to the chassi of the computer but I have
the same problem still.

Please help

I been looking thru archieves but missed any info that might help me.

73 Magnus - SM6WET (8S6T in contest)

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