[WriteLog] CW Keying

Art Searle W2NRA w2nra at birdsandbeacons.com
Tue Aug 3 20:04:08 EDT 2004

Hi Chris,

The MircroHam interface works perfectly.  I have the same rig.  Here is the
proper setup directly from Jozef Urban, OM7ZZ:

If you are using Writelog be sure to have
1 "comm PTT" = NO
2 CW on same port as radio
3 checked "All mode PTT on CW port RTS"
4 "PC generates" under CW keyer type

5 Finally choose between PTT & QSK in the "CW PTT ..." button
Choose 1st selection "none (e.g. QSK)
Choose 3rd selection "On LPT pin16/COMM RTS" for PTT

I think this is where you went wrong.
> Bottom CW circle (8th down) checked.
This is wrong.  The CW circle that is checked has to be the one by the same
comp port you are using for rig control.  Mine's working perfectly and I can
easily change from PTT to QSK.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Burbanks" <g3sjj at btinternet.com>
To: "Writelog Reflector" <writelog at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 4:18 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] CW Keying

> Help, I am now totally confused! I have been playing around with CW keying
> using the Microham interface. I had it going on this computer before I
> off to GU for the IOTA contest but now I can't set it up.
> All that seems to happen is that it continuously keys the tx. I am using
> FT1kMP and WL polls that correctly, so can anyone suggest what is wrong?
> Selected is:
> Comm 3 -  CW not checked - Rig Type FT1kMP - Auto Baud rate - Poll
checked -
> Comm PTT No
> Bottom CW circle (8th down) checked.   PC Generates.
> CW PTT - None
> Chris G3SJJ
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