[WriteLog] Writelog and CW

Tim Rust tim at rusthollar.com
Thu Aug 12 20:29:18 EDT 2004


I am trying to use write log or rttyrite to decode and send CW. I am using a Tigertronic Signal Link Model SL-1 as my interface between my Icom 745 and my computer. The sound card works just fine for PKS31 and I think I have the volume levels set correctly. The test of the sound card was just fine. I also have available, but have not used as of yet, a W1WEF interface for my old CT logging program. I also have printed K9JY's setup information and gone through it as well as the setup material from WriteLog. I am using Writelog v. 10,41B 

My questions:

1. Is it possible to use the SignaLink as my sole interface for PSK31,CW, and RTTY or do I have to use my W1WEF interface as well?  
2. Which CW section do I use -- the one internal to WriteLog or the RTTYRite program? 
3. How do I set up the Ports for CW if I do not use a COM or LPT port for CW? 
4. When I try to set the sound card setup sound card window to check enable recording loop and turn off echo microphone for CW I get an error message: "can not enable loop is sound board in use?"  I am not aware of any other program using the sound card at this time. -- also when I tried to us the CW program the transmit on my rig kept shifting on and off until I unchecked the echo setting on the sound card set up.
5. If I do need to use the W1WEF interface -- do I set this up on LPT CW setting? How will this effect the computer, radio & SignaLInk interface in all modes, exp. CW, RTTU etc.

Sorry this is so long. I really want to get writelog gone before contest season and be able to use all its features.  Unfortunately my rig is not computer compatable but such is life. 


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