[WriteLog] Sound Board Voice Keying

Scot Herrick scot at k9jy.com
Tue Aug 31 21:21:33 EDT 2004

Technically, they can be stored anywhere. Where is determined by the
location you designate in the "Wave File Locate" Dialog box in the lower
right corner of the Port Dialog box found in Setup | Ports on the WriteLog
tool bar.

Typically, however, they are stored in Ham\WaveFiles.

Scot Herrick
See K9JY's WriteLog User Support Site at:
-----Original Message-----
From: writelog-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:writelog-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Mike Brown
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 23:18
To: Steve GW4BLE; writelog at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Sound Board Voice Keying

Steve, the files are stored in   Ham\WaveFiles  and they are 
named   MSG2.WAV   MSG3.WAVE, etc. It's retrieved by hitting 
which F Key you used in creating the message.

73 - Mike K9MI

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve GW4BLE" <GW4BLE at btconnect.com>
To: <writelog at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 20:23 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] Sound Board Voice Keying

>I must have done this a zillion times, but for some reason the 
>answer eludes
> me right now...
> When recording sound board voice files "on-the-fly", where are 
> they stored
> exactly?
> Writlelog help file states -
> "Writelog enables you to record messages quickly. Type 
> SHIFT+F2 to start the
> recording of a new message for F2 (or SHIFT + F3 for the F3 
> message, etc)
> and, after you have finished the message, type ESCAPE to save 
> the
> recording".
> That bit I understand, what I don't understand (at the moment) 
> is WHERE the
> file is then stored and HOW it can be retrieved later.
> IF the file is (somehow) saved, what is it called?
> Note - this is for "on-the-fly" recording.
> 73
> Steve
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