[WriteLog] ICE 419's and Multi-Keyer

Dan Levin djl at andlev.com
Mon Dec 27 12:14:45 EST 2004

To clarify a bit, in case the other posts were too advanced :-)

The output of the "antenna relay" ports on the multi-keyer (which are
db-25's) is the same as the output of the parallel port of a computer
running pretty much any logging software these days, and is compatible with
the Yaesu radio's output.

You need some kind of decoder to translate that output into the simple
"ground one pin per band" input that the ICE 419's want on their DIN input

So you need to build/buy two decoders - you can buy them from various
places, including Top Ten Devices, or build your own quite easily.

Connect the keyer to a decoder, then the decoder to the filter.  While you
are at it, you can use the output of the decoder to switch antennae, or
stubs, or whatever else you want.

GL es 73,

                              ***dan, K6IF

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