[WriteLog] help with "version 10 not installed" error message

Fidel Leon ea3lf at ea3lf.net
Fri Dec 31 07:29:12 EST 2004

At 11:35 31/12/2004, Mike Brown wrote:

>pc about the upgrade to 10.52, but anyway here's what happens. I 
>downloaded and installed 10.51 from the web site, and when I try to run 
>it, it says "version 10 not installed". So I go

Perhaps a silly question, but.... what's the 10.52 upgrade URL...? I 
haven't seen it yet (?).

73, and happy new year (or "Feliç any nou", or "Feliz Año Nuevo")!

Fidel Leon - EA3LF
ea3lf at ea3lf.net

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