[WriteLog] Auto resume CQ timing, MMTTY...

jims jims at psws.com
Tue Feb 17 13:27:53 EST 2004

I observed the functionality listed below, in the WPX RTTY test.
My configuration is WL 10.45M, WIN2K, SO2R, with two instances of MMTTY,
FSK, 2 PCI 128 SB sound cards.

(1) The Timed CQ time you specify is from Start of message to the next
start while in FSK mode.
The CW and SSB modes use the time from End to start of next message as
specified in help file.

(2) The auto resume feature basically does not work as specified in the
manual for RTTY FSK with MMTTY.
If you start an auto resume timed CQ on 1st rig, Shift->down arrow to
the other SO2R Entry window, and then try to start another auto resume
CQ on 2nd rig you get the following behavior
	1st Radio cancels timed CQ (implying no auto resume)
	2nd Radio starts timed CQ and continues to do timed CQ.
The problem appears to be caused by the radio always moving the transmit
SO2R focus to the keyboard input focus whenever you hit any function key

In SSB and CW the transmit focus remains on Radio 1 and the Keyboard
focus toggles back and forth to the radio which is not currently
transmitting. Both radios are now alternating timed CQ messages out of
phase with each other. The keyboard focus tracks the radio you are
listening on, the other radio is CQing. If you get a caller on radio 1,
you type in their call and hit an F key for a QSO message. The radio 2's
CQ is interrupted, the F key message is sent, and then radio 2 returns
to CQing. After you enter the QSO in the log, Radio 1 does not go back
into auto resume mode until you press the Timed CQ F key again. The
radios go back to alternating CQ's.
This is the correct behavior. When the QSO message was sent, the
Transmit focus changes to send the message and then returns to auto
resume radio 2. The trick to all this is to set your Timed CQ to at
least 2 times the CQ message length. I use 10 or 12 seconds for CW and

(3) To transfer the a call to the CALL entry window I use the mouse to
click on any call sign in the rttyrite window. As soon as you do this,
the Entry window Cursor always moves out of the CALL field. This does
not allow me to use the 'Enter sends exchg/QRZ' WL Entry Menu selection.
When the cursor moves from the CALL field, the Enter key sends the 'tnx
for qso' message, skipping the signal report normally associated with
the first Enter key hit. 
Am I missing something here or is this a feature?
It would be nice to turn off this auto-tab feature.
It would also be nice to allow the mouse to select a partial call by
holding down the left mouse button, stroking the desired text and then a
release or another left click would dump the partial call into the Entry

4) When I use 2 MMTTY windows for SO2R RTTY, the configuration is not
The next time I bring up WL both MMTTY windows appear for a few seconds,
then one shuts  down. 
Does anyone else see this behavior?
If I then open the missing MMTTY window it always has the same Sound
board index as the  first, and then pops up with a little error message
indicating this error. I guess WL/MMTTY is unable to handle 2 configured

Are other people noticing these problems/features listed above?

Jim W7EJ, CN2R

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