[WriteLog] How can you send commands to the rig from within WriteLog?

Jim Smith jimsmith at shaw.ca
Wed Feb 18 16:27:37 EST 2004

In RTTY mode on the MkV I want to be able to select the 500Hz filter(s) 
by pressing Nar1 and the 250 Hz filter(s) by pressing Nar2.  I have 
found that the MkV doesn't let me do that. 

I have found a workaround which is to forget the Nar1 and Nar2 buttons 
and send the appropriate CAT commands directly to the rig to select the 
desired filter.  Works FB when using AFSK with PKT mode selected.  Don't 
see any reason why it wouldn't also work for FSK/RTTY but haven't tried 
it.  However, I have found no way within WL to send commands of my 
choice to the rig.  Does anyone know how to do this?

BTW, if you have a MkV and haven't checked out K6SE's MPFilters program 
you ought to try it.  It will answer all those questions like, "Which 
filter do I have in which IF?"  You can find it on the VA3CR site.

73 de Jim Smith   VE7FO

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