[WriteLog] Writelog and DXP38

Dean Wood n6de at inreach.com
Fri Feb 27 02:05:18 EST 2004


I am experiencing a problem configuring a Hal DXP38 with Writelog.  For 
those who might be able to help, here are the details:

Problem: Cannot decode or transmit anything in the RTTY window of 
Writelog when the DXP38 is selected as TNC.  Immediately when I start 
the RTTY window, the STBY LED on the DXP38 becomes illuminated instead 
of the RX LED.  The Writelog tuning display is mostly blank, just with a 
star in the middle and some extraneous lines near the top of the box.  
The problem just seems to be a RTTY DXP38 initialization problem of some 
sort.  It doesn't even tell me "Downloading .S28" or "Downloading .LOD" 
when I first bring up the RTTY window, like I believe it always has done 
in the past.

What I've tried: I've use Hal's DXPWin software to verify that the 
DXP38, serial port, serial cable, and FSK/audio cables are working fine, 
both in the TX and RX direction.  I also verified that MMTTY works fine 
within Writelog on the same computer.

Writelog v10.45M
Hal DXP38 with firmware .LOD v1.2; .S28 v2.0; Bootrom v2.0
Statement in writelog.ini file under [Rttyrite] section: HAL_DL_DIR=C:\DXP38
DXP38.LOD and DXP38.S28 files are in the c:\dxp38 directory.
Windows98SE operating system

This particular DXP38 has been used in many past RTTY contests 
successfully with past versions of Writelog.  The difference is that 
this is a different computer which we've never tried to run a DXP38 on 
it before.  What am I missing here?  Is there some writelog.ini setting 
I'm forgetting?

Thanks for your help...
-Dean - N6DE

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