[WriteLog] WAV files on CD

Eric Hilding eric at hilding.com
Sun Feb 29 16:21:52 EST 2004

On Sun, 29 Feb 2004, S. Sneidar wrote:

> Group, it is proving very difficult for me (a 74 year old) to make sense of making/invoking
> WAV files for phone contesting using WriteLog.
> Would anyone be willing to making for me some WAV files and putting them on CD so I may
> copy them to my hard disk?


But wouldn't you want these to be YOUR own voice???  There must be a
low-cost "voice-over" recording studio somewhere nearby there in KH6 land.

I have a 72 track hi-end digital setup, and am a professional voice-over
artist and could do it.  I'm the voice of "Markison" on Sony
Playstation's SYPHON FILTER game, and also a Ventriloquist with a
number of voices if you wanted to go "creative" :-)

But exactly WHAT type of audio .wav files are you looking for?


Rick, K6VVA

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