[WriteLog] Band change timer for BARTG SOAB

k1py k1py at frontiernet.net
Sun Jan 11 19:56:07 EST 2004

BARTG Rtty SOAB 5-minute timer question:

Unless I want to run SOE (Single-Op Expert) in the upcoming BARTG tests, 
the SOAB (Single-Op All Band) class limits band changes to once every 5 
minute period.  A test of the band changes timer in a BARTG Sprint test log 
doesn't seem to be tracking this (WL 10.42c).  Actually, I don't see a way 
of indicating my class in Parameter Setup so that it would "know" whether 
the timer applies or not.

Is this a WL supported contest module, or do I need to inquire of someone 
else regarding this?

Thanks, and thanks to Wayne for a superb program and to all for a fun RU!

Vic K1PY ( /2 for bartg)

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