[WriteLog] WL Newbee

Leslie Sachau leptons at verizon.net
Fri Jan 16 08:17:42 EST 2004

I'm a new user of WriteLog 10.44b and trying to set up for
RTTY with MMTTY.  My COM 1 is to a Kenwood 850.  While the
frequency and mode readout is OK on the lower left button, when I
click that button and try to change the mode or frequency, nothing
happens.  Also, when I open the MMTTY window and try to key the
rig with Alt K or the TX button, it doesn't key.  
    I can use the KMIJ software and the control to and from the
850 works good, so I'm fairly confident in the serial connection.
My question is:  does WL key the rig through the serial connection?
i.e. can I leave the MIC connection on the 850 unused?
Thanks for your help and 73,
Les - KT3R

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