[WriteLog] Help Please

WG0M at aol.com WG0M at aol.com
Wed Jul 14 11:18:05 EDT 2004

I am new to WL and have some MORE questions.

I have two rigs and have configured the band map to show for each.  
Communication with computer and rigs is fine.  Packet communication is working as well

Question.  Rig 1 is on 15 and rig 2 is on 40.  How or where do I see a spot 
(mult) that I need on 20?  How do I move a rig there?

If I select a spot via the band map, the call is moved to the entry window 
and the rig is qsy'd to its frequency.  If I choose not to work that station and 
move the vfo, does the spot disappear in the entry window or do I have to do 
Alt W?

In Setup, CW/RTTY/SSB messages, are the F key messages always the same no 
matter which contest is selected?  The operator must edit the F keys as required 
for each contest.  Not a big deal, just wanted to know.

Why is not the Parameter Setup under Contest an automatic requirement at the 
initial stages of setting up a contest?  This seems like an easy thing to 
overlook and one could assume that the parameters might/could be set up just off 
the call. 

Is it possible to keep a Multiplier status window active for obvious reasons? 
 Especially for SS.

That is it for now.  Thank you in advance.

Michael WG0M

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