[WriteLog] Help Please

John Fleming john at wa9als.com
Wed Jul 14 12:45:41 EDT 2004

> Question.  Rig 1 is on 15 and rig 2 is on 40.  How or where do I see a
> (mult) that I need on 20?  How do I move a rig there?

Just right-click on a bandmap and open another one.  You can have as many
open as you have space for.  See the end of the article at
http://www.qsl.net/wa9als/so2r-mmttyx2.htm for an example.  However, the
"extra" bandmaps are not linked to radios, so you will have to tune the rig
"manually" - either by turning the dial or typing the frequency into the
entry window of WriteLog  (not by clicking on the bandmap).

> If I select a spot via the band map, the call is moved to the entry window
> and the rig is qsy'd to its frequency.  If I choose not to work that
station and
> move the vfo, does the spot disappear in the entry window or do I have to
> Alt W?

Alt-W I think.

73 - John, WA9ALS

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