[WriteLog] CommPTT RTS/DTR issue - Rigblaster and IC-746PRO

Dave NØRQ n0rq-1 at dfwair.net
Wed Jul 14 16:43:55 EDT 2004

Several days ago, I wrote about my Rigblaster getting PTT turned on,
causing rig to go into xmit.  A few folks had ideas, but nothing turned
up to fix the problem.

I asked the Rigblaster folks, and since the Rigblaster PTT *and* CW 
lights get turned on by Writelog, he said that the DTR and RTS are being
turned on (HIGH) by the software.

Checking everything I could find in the Writelog help files, I found these

  Put PTT signal on RTS line if using "PC Generates" CW on COMM port.

  Add DisableCommPTT INI entry.

  To prevent WriteLog from putting a PTT signal on RTS
I verified that I do have DisableCommPTT=YES in the Config section of 
Writelog.ini -- yet no matter what rig I have in Setup/Ports, no matter
what other settings I've tried -- if I have ANY rig shown on COM1, it
throws the Rigblaster (and thus the rig) into PTT / CW --- apparently
because RTR and DTR are HIGH.

Am I missing something?  This seems like a Writelog software issue.

(computer: 1.5 yr old Dell 2.2GHz, WinXP HE)

Any advice, or any other thing to try -- I'm all ears.
Thanks & 73,

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