[WriteLog] Stumped on IC-775DSP/IC-PW1 Radio Control

Phil Theis phil at k3tuf.com
Thu Jul 15 08:30:01 EDT 2004

Can't say I understand everything, but if you look at the instruction set
for the kenwood, there are separate instructions for each VFO.  Evidently,
the software is issuing the instructions for VFO A only.  makes sense. just
need to know that's what it's doing.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Don Hill AA5AU" <aa5au at bellsouth.net>
To: "WriteLog Reflector" <WriteLog at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 11:55 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] Stumped on IC-775DSP/IC-PW1 Radio Control

> Back in March when I first obtained this IC-775DSP & IC-PW1 combination, I
> a post to the reflector wondering why radio control would not work when
> the IC-775DSP with the PW-1 with WriteLog.  I received responses from
> that this is just the way it was - it didn't work with WriteLog but worked
> other programs (such as DXbase).  If I disconnected the PW-1 from the CI-V
> interface, radio control worked fine with the '775.
> Since that time, the PW-1 went in for repair and now I have it back and I
> the same results.  Clicking on a packet spot or typing the frequency into
> Entry Window would not work when the PW-1 was connected to the CI-V
> However, this time I noticed when I tried to QSY with the combo that the
> jumped to the frequency I was trying to go to and then immediately back to
> original frequency.  Nothing happened on the radio.
> This got me to thinking that I see the same behavior when trying to QSY on
> Kenwood radios when the VFO was on B instead A.  Doesn't work.  Kenwood
> have to be on the A VFO for it to work.
> So for sh.ts and gr.ns, I put the IC-775 on the #2 VFO (or channel 2 as
> called) and now radio control works fine when trying to QSY via clicking
on the
> bandmap, clicking in the packet spots window or typing the frequency into
> Entry Window.
> This is a GRAND discovery for me, but I sure as hell would like to know
> Any clues?
> BTW, Randy KK7TV, did a great job on my PW-1.  It had more problems than
what I
> originally thought.  He spent countless hours on it but only charged me a
> fee for the repair.  It works great now.  I highly recommend him.
> 73, Don AA5AU
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