[WriteLog] Dual WriteLog Installs on same computer

David O Hachadorian k6ll at juno.com
Tue Jun 22 16:10:27 EDT 2004

> It turns out I need to take my computer to Field Day, which will
> necessitate a dual install of WriteLog (my own existing installation 
> the separate club callsign install) on the same Notebook unit.  Yes, 
> both
> callsigns/WL copies are paid for.

No need for a dual install.

You can get an authorization code for another callsign from Wayne.

You can also just use the club call in your outgoing messages.
In that case, if you are using the rttyrite rtty or cw receiver,
you should work your own callsign on each band to prevent the
receiver from highlighting your own call in yellow or green.
You can edit those qso's later to delete them, or make them
a dupe of another call.

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, AZ

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