[WriteLog] Makrothen ADIF bug

Bill Turner wrt at dslextreme.com
Sun Mar 7 18:54:13 EST 2004

The Makrothen contest is not exporting ADIF file information correctly.
Specifically, the grid square info should be in the form of
<GRIDSQUARE:4>DM14 but it has the word "GRID" instead of "GRIDSQUARE".
Because of this, the file may not import the grid squares into your
logging program.  DXKeeper, for one, rejects it.

For those interested, the ADIF spec is at

I don't know whether the problem is in the Makrothen module or in
WriteLog itself, but it needs to be fixed.  In the meantime, you can do
a search and replace using any text editor.

73, Bill W6WRT
QSLs via LoTW

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