[WriteLog] Commonwealth Contest - ADIF RST format

Darren G0TSM writelog at g0tsm.com
Sun Mar 14 12:31:59 EST 2004

Hi All,
When I imported my Commonwealth Contest log into Logger32 the RSTs sent and 
received were blank. The only thing I can see different is than in a .ADI 
file exported from Writelog the RST Sent and Received fileds look like this:

<QSO_DATE:8>20040306 <TIME_ON:6>133900 <FREQ:6>21.303 <BAND:3>15m <STX:1>3 

And the one from the commonwealth contest:
<QSO_DATE:8>20040313 <TIME_ON:6>105328 <FREQ:6>28.014 <BAND:3>10m <STX:1>1 
     <RST-SENT:3>599    <---------------Here
     <RST-RCVD:3>599    <---------------and here

The difference being of course that in the top ADIF export the RST SENT and 
RCVD lines use underscores and in the commonwealth is uses a minus/dash.
Is it as simple as that?.. then 'find and replace' in a text editor could 
be used to correct the error..

Regards, Darren

Darren Collins G0TSM
Southampton UK
SysOp GB7EDX DX Cluster
Local RF access 144.900MHz

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