[WriteLog] CABRILLO FORMAT FOR Internet Sprint

Larry Schimelpfenig k7sv at adelphia.net
Sat May 8 21:17:08 EDT 2004

Well, I finally figured out how to use the special name feature in the
Internet Sprint, but now the log needs to be in Cabrillo format. I'm
currently using 1041.b and Cabrillo is grayed out.

I'm going to update WL at Dayton, but need to get the Sprint log in before
Anyone have a clue as to how I get it from WL to Cabrillo? Do more recent
versions support Cabrillo for the Internet Sprints?

If anyone wants info on using WL to send the name of the last person you
worked in the Internet Sprint, let me know and I'll post it.

73 de Larry K7SV

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